Today I took Zoey to her 2 week appointment to see her pediatrician. I took Owen with me while McKenzie stayed at home with Matt.
The doctor is on the 4th floor of the 999 building by Saint Alphonsus Hospital, so we went to take the elevator. I asked Owen if he could push the #4 button and he pushed the call if there's an emergency button. I was so embarrassed! There was another couple in the elevator with us and they were laughing. I tried to push the cancel the call button, but it wouldn't work! A voice came on saying something like, "There is an emergency in elevator #1..." As soon as we got to the 4th floor, we hurried out. I talked to the receptionist and she said that nothing happens when the button is pushed and that it would be okay. I felt a little better, but I was freaking out, thinking that by pushing the button, there would be people sent to do an investigation and I would get in some sort of trouble. (Okay, so my mind got a little carried away.)
Once we got into our room, the nurse weighed and measured Zoey. She gained over 1 lb since her last doctor visit exactly a week ago. (She was 7 lbs 7 oz and now is 8 lbs 10 oz) The nurse and doctor were pretty shocked at how much weight she had gained. She also had her PKU done, which she did not like.
When we checked in, the receptionist asked if Owen had gotten the flu shot yet. Since he hadn't, I decided to have him get the flu shot. It turns out that they didn't do a shot, they sprayed it up his nose! I've never seen that before. Owen Did not like that! When the nurse was done, we went and got a sticker for Owen. It was a Thomas the train sticker that said, "I was brave." Owen loves Thomas, so the sticker made him feel better. Luckily, we didn't have an more elevator issues on our way out!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Gold Medalists
My Friend Kamille posted a similar jibjab video on her blog and I couldn't stop laughing! I decided to give it a try starring Matt and I.
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
Taysia, My New Niece
On October 21, 2008, Scott and Janel had their first baby. Her name is Taysia Brynn. She was 6 lbs 14 oz and she came a month early. She would have been a big baby! I am really excited that Taysia and Zoey are a day apart, because I think that they will have lots of fun at Family gatherings. Taysia is also my first niece and my parents 6th grandchild. I really love that our family and extended family is growing.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Zoey Mei is Here!
I had been wanting to have Zoey for a long time! I Love the babies, but absolutely HATE being pregnant. At my last appt, the Dr said that I was 3cm and 75% effaced. Later that day I walked with the kids to the park.
On Wednesday, we walked around at the mall for about an hour and a half. Then I went and played volleyball.
On Thursday, I mowed our backyard and again we went for a walk to the park.
On Friday and Saturday, my body was so tired, so I took a break and laid around all day.
On Sunday we walked to church and then went on a short walk around the neighborhood.
Monday morning, I woke up at 6 AM with strong contractions. I could still walk and talk through them, so I had Matt go to work. All day I was having contractions. I called my sister to talk to her and she told me that she was coming over to take me to the hospital. I didn't want to go yet, because I was sure the nurses would send me home, but I went anyway. We dropped off McKenzie and Owen at my parent's house and went to the hospital.
The nurses monitored my contractions and checked to see if I had progressed from my last appt. I had progressed to 4 cm, but my contractions weren't strong enough to go into labor. They told me to walk around and then the DR would check me after I had walked around. After 20 minutes of walking, I felt my contractions getting stronger and when the DR checked me I had progressed to 5 cm! I was admitted to the hospital. At 6 or 6:30 PM the DR broke my water and at 10:09 PM Zoey was born. Zoey was born October 20, 2008. She was 8 lbs 1 oz, 21 inches long. She was 2 weeks early.

Here's McKenzie and Owen at the hospital the day after Zoey was born. They were excited to see her for about 2 minutes and then they were off playing with toys.

Here's Zoey after we got home from the hospital.

Here's Zoey at the hospital the day after she was born.
On Wednesday, we walked around at the mall for about an hour and a half. Then I went and played volleyball.
On Thursday, I mowed our backyard and again we went for a walk to the park.
On Friday and Saturday, my body was so tired, so I took a break and laid around all day.
On Sunday we walked to church and then went on a short walk around the neighborhood.
Monday morning, I woke up at 6 AM with strong contractions. I could still walk and talk through them, so I had Matt go to work. All day I was having contractions. I called my sister to talk to her and she told me that she was coming over to take me to the hospital. I didn't want to go yet, because I was sure the nurses would send me home, but I went anyway. We dropped off McKenzie and Owen at my parent's house and went to the hospital.
The nurses monitored my contractions and checked to see if I had progressed from my last appt. I had progressed to 4 cm, but my contractions weren't strong enough to go into labor. They told me to walk around and then the DR would check me after I had walked around. After 20 minutes of walking, I felt my contractions getting stronger and when the DR checked me I had progressed to 5 cm! I was admitted to the hospital. At 6 or 6:30 PM the DR broke my water and at 10:09 PM Zoey was born. Zoey was born October 20, 2008. She was 8 lbs 1 oz, 21 inches long. She was 2 weeks early.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Are you Rude?
I watched Oprah today and it really got me thinking. I don't think that I am a rude person, but after watching this episode of Oprah, I realized that I have and do make some rude decisions. It was a real eye opener for me ad now I can work on the rude things that I do to be a better, nicer, person.
For those of you who missed the episode, a lot of the rude things that they talked about had to do with talking on the phone and treating servers with respect. I don't have a problem with any of these things, I am always polite, I always say, "thank you" I tip well and I NEVER talk on the phone when I am with other people or if I am in line.
The things that I need to work on is not being late and not gossiping. I am always late to everything, except for church. (Luckily we have church at 1.) I realized that being late makes others have to wait on me or it causes a disruption if there is a class or something like that where they start at a certain time. Gossiping is huge problem in general. I am always trying my best to avoid this because I do not like it when I am the topic of gossip. But it is still something that I need to improve on.
My personal belief is that most people are not rude people, but they make rude choices, most of the time without realizing it. I'm glad that I was able to see this, because I want to be a better person and by working on not being rude, I am improving myself.
For those of you who missed the episode, a lot of the rude things that they talked about had to do with talking on the phone and treating servers with respect. I don't have a problem with any of these things, I am always polite, I always say, "thank you" I tip well and I NEVER talk on the phone when I am with other people or if I am in line.
The things that I need to work on is not being late and not gossiping. I am always late to everything, except for church. (Luckily we have church at 1.) I realized that being late makes others have to wait on me or it causes a disruption if there is a class or something like that where they start at a certain time. Gossiping is huge problem in general. I am always trying my best to avoid this because I do not like it when I am the topic of gossip. But it is still something that I need to improve on.
My personal belief is that most people are not rude people, but they make rude choices, most of the time without realizing it. I'm glad that I was able to see this, because I want to be a better person and by working on not being rude, I am improving myself.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
6 Quirky things about me
Thank you Michelle for tagging me. This may or may not be as accurate as I would like, because right now I have hundreds of quirky things about me because I am pregnant. Anyways, here it goes...
1. I hate having a messy house, but I don't like to clean. I am way too tired and nobody ever comes over when the house is clean! The only time guest decide to come by is when I decide to take a day or 2 off. It especially bothers me when my room is a mess. Even though I could shut the door and no one would notice, I KNOW that it's a mess. I have been known to clean my room at 4:00 in the morning, because I couldn't sleep with the room being messy.
2. I do NOT like Walmart. I don't care that they have "good deals." My personal opinion is that the reason they have these "good deals" is because they skimp on something. What's really funny is that I almost ALWAYS go grocery shopping at Walmart, despite the fact that I hate it so much. We have bought bedding sets that were missing items that were listed on the bag as being included, we bought curtains that were 2 different sizes and another set of curtains were 2 different shades of blue. I hate standing in line to return items, so I usually just make due. Another thing about Walmart is a lot of the people that shop and work there. This may make me sound stuck up, but I feel very uncomfortable being around the grungy and unclean people. They are usually the ones that like to touch my kids and talk about how cute they are.
3. I will not touch any food that is not what I consider "normal." I do NOT like any kind of fish, Chinese, or any Asian kind of food for that matter. So basically I eat spaghetti, pizza, hamburgers, casserole, tacos, chili, etc. What makes this really quirky is that I grew up in the Seattle area where they have excellent seafood. (So I've been told.)
4. Matt and I share the cooking. Matt likes to experiment by adding things into an already good item, just to make it "better." He also does not use measuring cups or spoons so, sometimes I don't like the texture. I complain about it a lot, but I would prefer NOT to cook. I'm sure that I am very difficult to live with.
5. I will NOT let my kids leave someone's house unless they cleaned up EVERYTHING. I don't care if it was already a mess or if it will take forever. Matt gets mad when he wants to go, but the toys aren't cleaned. He come up with some excuse like, it was already there or there's other kids still playing with the toys. I'm very strict on this because I want my kids to be respectful and leave the house cleaner then when they arrived. I just think that it's courteous. What's funny is now Owen will not leave until every last thing is picked up. It's really cute.
6. I don't like when people drive 45 mph on Eagle Road. (The speed limit is 55 most of the way) I also don't like it when there's a car 2 cars up that starts to slows down, so the car in front of you slams on their brakes. There's plenty of room! You don't need to slam on the brakes!
So I hope this helps you get to know me a little better. It kind of sounds like I'm a complainer, but like I said, this is my quirky things right now being 8 months pregnant! Oh, um, I tag whoever wants to add this to their blog.
1. I hate having a messy house, but I don't like to clean. I am way too tired and nobody ever comes over when the house is clean! The only time guest decide to come by is when I decide to take a day or 2 off. It especially bothers me when my room is a mess. Even though I could shut the door and no one would notice, I KNOW that it's a mess. I have been known to clean my room at 4:00 in the morning, because I couldn't sleep with the room being messy.
2. I do NOT like Walmart. I don't care that they have "good deals." My personal opinion is that the reason they have these "good deals" is because they skimp on something. What's really funny is that I almost ALWAYS go grocery shopping at Walmart, despite the fact that I hate it so much. We have bought bedding sets that were missing items that were listed on the bag as being included, we bought curtains that were 2 different sizes and another set of curtains were 2 different shades of blue. I hate standing in line to return items, so I usually just make due. Another thing about Walmart is a lot of the people that shop and work there. This may make me sound stuck up, but I feel very uncomfortable being around the grungy and unclean people. They are usually the ones that like to touch my kids and talk about how cute they are.
3. I will not touch any food that is not what I consider "normal." I do NOT like any kind of fish, Chinese, or any Asian kind of food for that matter. So basically I eat spaghetti, pizza, hamburgers, casserole, tacos, chili, etc. What makes this really quirky is that I grew up in the Seattle area where they have excellent seafood. (So I've been told.)
4. Matt and I share the cooking. Matt likes to experiment by adding things into an already good item, just to make it "better." He also does not use measuring cups or spoons so, sometimes I don't like the texture. I complain about it a lot, but I would prefer NOT to cook. I'm sure that I am very difficult to live with.
5. I will NOT let my kids leave someone's house unless they cleaned up EVERYTHING. I don't care if it was already a mess or if it will take forever. Matt gets mad when he wants to go, but the toys aren't cleaned. He come up with some excuse like, it was already there or there's other kids still playing with the toys. I'm very strict on this because I want my kids to be respectful and leave the house cleaner then when they arrived. I just think that it's courteous. What's funny is now Owen will not leave until every last thing is picked up. It's really cute.
6. I don't like when people drive 45 mph on Eagle Road. (The speed limit is 55 most of the way) I also don't like it when there's a car 2 cars up that starts to slows down, so the car in front of you slams on their brakes. There's plenty of room! You don't need to slam on the brakes!
So I hope this helps you get to know me a little better. It kind of sounds like I'm a complainer, but like I said, this is my quirky things right now being 8 months pregnant! Oh, um, I tag whoever wants to add this to their blog.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The broken Lamp
So today while I was making dinner, Owen and McKenzie were jumping and walking on the couch. (They walk so that I can't hear them getting into mischief) I thought that they were playing with toys and I was focused on getting dinner going. Then I hear this loud noise. As I walk into the living room, the living room lamp falls over and shatters. Owen starts crying and says, "I broke the lamp!" He was so sad (and probably scared) I sent both McKenzie and Owen into their room for time out. Then I cleaned up the broken glass. I didn't want them to get hurt, otherwise I usually make them clean up their own messes. I started crying, not because the lamp broke, but because of Owen's reaction. I knew that he felt bad, but we have this rule so they don't get hurt. It's just a lamp and can be replaced. I know that this will not be the last time that something gets broken. I remember breaking many of my parent's things.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Free Handbags!!
Thank you Courtney for this! I'm really excited!
Handbag Planet is almost here. To celebrate the October 15, 2008 launch, we are giving away a free handbag every hour for 24 hours on the day of the launch. Our high fashion, trendy handbags are inspired by popular designer brands and priced between $30 and $80.
There's absolutely no catch - this means no shipping/handling fees or credit card required.
If you'd like to enter for a chance to win a SUPER CUTE, free handbag click here
Handbag Planet is almost here. To celebrate the October 15, 2008 launch, we are giving away a free handbag every hour for 24 hours on the day of the launch. Our high fashion, trendy handbags are inspired by popular designer brands and priced between $30 and $80.
There's absolutely no catch - this means no shipping/handling fees or credit card required.
If you'd like to enter for a chance to win a SUPER CUTE, free handbag click here
Monday, October 6, 2008
This is cute
On Saturday, Matt made himself a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner after he got home from work. He was reading Harry Potter to McKenzie and she made a comment about how she likes grilled cheese. So Matt said, "Do you want grilled cheese for lunch tomorrow? She said, "Yes." Then she said, "And Mommy will have a girl cheese sandwich and Daddy and Owen will have a boy cheese sandwich." We didn't catch what she said until she said, "Boy cheese." We just thought that it was really cute.
Friday, October 3, 2008
I completely forgot to write that Angela is now home. She was released from the hospital on Tuesday and is doing well. She still has many appointments that she has to go to, along with a long road of recovery, but at least she can be at home with the family.
So I am about a month away from my due date. Since she is measuring 2 weeks larger, I'm hoping to have her about 2 weeks early. We shall see...
I have been trying to get the house clean and organized so that it will stay clean. Well, a couple days ago, I had this brilliant idea to have McKenzie and Owen share a room with each other, so we moved Owen into McKenzie's room. Then last night, we moved all the toys into Owen's old room and made it the playroom. It wasn't so brilliant, because afterwards, I was so exhausted.

The kids are really excited by this, which is great. I thought of this idea, because with the new baby coming, I wanted them to feel like they have someone they can play with while I take care of the baby. We shall see if this plan will even work.

Now all I have to do is organize the baby's room/office. I had it clean, but my kids thought it would be fun to throw all the books on the floor and make a big mess. I am also going through the master bedroom and garage trying to get rid of all the clutter. It's been bothering me for weeks!
So I am about a month away from my due date. Since she is measuring 2 weeks larger, I'm hoping to have her about 2 weeks early. We shall see...
I have been trying to get the house clean and organized so that it will stay clean. Well, a couple days ago, I had this brilliant idea to have McKenzie and Owen share a room with each other, so we moved Owen into McKenzie's room. Then last night, we moved all the toys into Owen's old room and made it the playroom. It wasn't so brilliant, because afterwards, I was so exhausted.
The kids are really excited by this, which is great. I thought of this idea, because with the new baby coming, I wanted them to feel like they have someone they can play with while I take care of the baby. We shall see if this plan will even work.
Now all I have to do is organize the baby's room/office. I had it clean, but my kids thought it would be fun to throw all the books on the floor and make a big mess. I am also going through the master bedroom and garage trying to get rid of all the clutter. It's been bothering me for weeks!
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