Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The broken Lamp

So today while I was making dinner, Owen and McKenzie were jumping and walking on the couch. (They walk so that I can't hear them getting into mischief) I thought that they were playing with toys and I was focused on getting dinner going. Then I hear this loud noise. As I walk into the living room, the living room lamp falls over and shatters. Owen starts crying and says, "I broke the lamp!" He was so sad (and probably scared) I sent both McKenzie and Owen into their room for time out. Then I cleaned up the broken glass. I didn't want them to get hurt, otherwise I usually make them clean up their own messes. I started crying, not because the lamp broke, but because of Owen's reaction. I knew that he felt bad, but we have this rule so they don't get hurt. It's just a lamp and can be replaced. I know that this will not be the last time that something gets broken. I remember breaking many of my parent's things.

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