Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Trying to Stay Positive...Even with Negative Comments

Every time I have a baby, it always takes at least 2 years for me to lose the weight. After I had McKenzie, I got pregnant before 2 years. As soon as I found out I was pregnant with Owen, I had people asking me when I was due! I still had 8 1/2 months to go. Then after I had Owen, I had lots of people asking me when I was due or if I was expecting. It didn't matter if Owen was with me or not. I guess this time is no different. Last Thursday, I was playing volleyball and I dove for a ball. This lady there said something like, "Oh! Be careful! You don't want to hurt your baby!" Or course it was real quiet when she said this, so everyone heard. I said, "I'm not pregnant. I just had a baby 4 months ago."

I HATE it when this happens, it hurts a lot and I usually start getting down on myself. I'm really trying to stay positive. No one WANTS to look pregnant when they are not. I wish that I was one of those people that loses all the weight as soon as the baby comes out, but no. Plus, my babies are huge! If I would have gone to my due date with all of them, they would have all been 10 pound babies! Hopefully, with all my volleyball exercise, I will lose this weight soon!


Ben and Terah said...

Keep up the exercise... I know how you feel... My baby is 18 months old and I still have my pregnancy belly! Some people will never get it... I wish i was one of those people too, who lost all their weight after having a baby, right away! But I am not, so i will just deal with it!

Keely said...

I'm sorry that that happened. Sometimes people don't really think before they say things. Even if you were still it really any of her business how "careful" you are or not. Keep your chin up.....

RORYJEAN said...

I think I've lost count of how many times I've been asked when I am due (which is fine now that I am actually pregnant, but hurt when I wasn't). If you have big babies like I did, it's probably not that you need to lose weight- sometimes the muscles actually seperate from being stretched so far (a condition called diastis recti: I have this condition, and it took forever for me to be diagnosed. I couldn't figure out why I had lost weight and was exercising but still looked pregnant. There are specific exercises you can do if you think your stomach muscles have seperated, but sometimes if it is severe, you may need surgery). Man alive, pregnancy sure does a number on our bodies, doesn't it? Don't be too hard on yourself, sometimes your body just needs time to recover. It took me two years to not look seven months pregnant (and of course, when I finally started looking less pregnant again, I got pregnant). I feel your pain!

RORYJEAN said...

Here is a better website about it:

Kahana said...

Oh my gosh i totally feel you!! Its so hard to hear something like that, i bet you look great though.

Camey said...

It takes me forever too and I have been thinking how fat I have been lately. I am sorry sweetie! Hopefully we both can lose are weight together!