Wednesday, August 19, 2009

At home Photo shoot-McKenzie

At home Photo shoot-Owen

Owen wanted to make funny faces and he wanted to kick and point and do random goofy boy stuff. I was glad that I did get a couple really cute picture of him.

At home Photo shoot-Zoey

Zoey was so easy to do because she just sat there. Towards the end though, her expression didn't change.

A Lesson about Love and Forgiveness

The other day I was doing laundry and McKenzie comes to tell me that there is several neighbor kids running through our lawn while the sprinklers are running. I opened the door and asked them to leave. I get absolutely no response. They don't even acknowledge me. So I asked nicely again. And again. And Again. After several times of nicely asking them to stay off the lawn and out of the sprinklers I got out to them and firmly tell them to leave. I finally get them all to go, but as soon as I get back into the house, they are back out in the sprinklers and running through my lawn. I go back outside and tell them that they will not be allowed back to play if they did not leave. Shortly thereafter the sprinklers turned off.

I was furious because these kids are fairly young and there parents are nowhere to be seen. 1 Mom was gone. The other was in her house watching this all take place and the other parents were inside totally unaware of what their children were doing. Not only all this, but we had just laid grass seed and fertilizer down to the dead spots in the lawn.

Then, we get a knock at the door and the same kids are there and they ask me if they could borrow our kiddie pool. I lost it at that point. I said that if they wouldn't listen to me or respect my things then they would not be allowed to use my stuff. I yelled pretty good. Telling them that they need to be respectful and one of the kids yelled back, "we're sorry!" I felt really good at this point, because I felt that they could all use a goo lesson.

Well, the next thing I know, all the kids come back and they have roses for me. They said that they just wanted to be nice. Boy did I feel like a complete jerk. They are just kids ad they wanted to have a little fun. I learned a wonderful lesson from the neighbor kids that day. They were so quick to do something nice when I was awful to them.

Here are the pretty flowers that they gave me.

Monday, August 17, 2009

It's been WAY too long!

I wish that I could say that we've been very busy since my last post...but we really haven't done much.

The kids have been playing with their friends a lot this summer

My Mom, all my sisters and I went to see My Sister's Keeper together. It was a pretty good movie, but a huge tear jerker.

We got McKenzie registered for kindergarten. She told me that she's really excited, but she is a little bit scared. I can't believe how big she is getting!

Owen is our little devil lately. He randomly will hit, push, sit and kick Zoey. We also still have not gotten him fully potty trained. He has been going potty in the toilet for a year and a half, but he still pees in his pants several times a day. (Any suggestions???) I've pretty much just given up. If you ask where pee is supposed to go, he will say, "In the toilet." He knows what he's supposed to do, he just will not do it. Owen is very cute and we love him very much. We are hoping that he will figure it out soon!

Zoey is walking around on furniture and every once in awhile she will get brave enough to stand on her own.

Matt had his company picnic at Settler's park. We won camping chairs with a cooler. (not as cool as our prize last year, a gift card to the Anniversary Inn. But the chairs will be used.)

We had 2 garage sales to try and get rid of some things that we don't use.

McKenzie Turned 5 and we had a pool party in the backyard. She had a lot of fun with all her friends!

Matt is still working at RC Willey selling appliances and electronics.

I am still playing volleyball twice a week. There is rumors that our stake will be doing co-ed volleyball in the fall... I also am still working with Cents Of Style, it's a lot of fun, plus a few times a month I get out of the house!

Well, I think that's about it!