Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tooth Fairy Visit

McKenzie lost her first tooth on Sunday, January 23rd. She is in first grade and most of her friends have lost multiple teeth, so she was pretty excited to have finally lost one.

After she pulled out her tooth, she put it under her pillow. When she went to go to bed she lost the tooth so we were looking for it. When we found it we had McKenzie write a note to the Tooth Fairy saying that the tooth would be on the counter in the kitchen, just so it wouldn't get lost again.

The Tooth Fairy woke up McKenzie by mistake, but it was too dark for McKenzie to see anything. She was so excited that she came in our room and showed us the money that she got. When McKenzie was talking about the tooth fairy she would say, "he did this" or "he did that" instead of "she" which I thought was pretty cute. I think she got that after seeing Tooth Fairy with The Rock.

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