Sunday, August 24, 2008

A "moving" Experience for McKenzie

So today we were reading scriptures as a family and the baby started moving all over the place. I had McKenzie put her hand on my belly and she actually felt the baby move for the first time. It probably wasn't the best time to distract her, but it was so exciting to see her feel the baby. McKenzie got very excited and started talking about how she was going to help out with the baby when she comes. Then Owen started touching my belly and then laughing like he had felt the baby move too. It was really cute.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

i love the new look of your blog!! i can't wait to have cute kids like yours!! if its possible for any kids to be as cute that is. I laughed at your comment. I serious spent more time thinking about my 2 minute intro then my 10 minute talk... is that bad ha ha oh well it turned out great/