Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nasty Colds

So I woke up on Friday feeling a little bit under the weather and now I have a cold. I absolutely cannot breathe! I had a hard enough time breathing because the baby is still up pretty high and now I am completely miserable. McKenzie also woke up with a cold the same day and her voice when she is sick is so cute! Owen has been sick for a little bit longer. He has a really bad cough and his nose won't stop running.

I have to be at church today, because next week is the primary program in our ward and I teach the CTR 5 class. I still not sure if McKenzie should be there, but she needs the practice. Matt's family is all coming to see her in the program, so we definitely don't want to miss it. Next week is also Jason's homecoming talk, lots of family will be in town, so it will be a very crazy day!

I'm so disappointed! I probably won't be able to see Angela for a couple weeks! Unless the DRs let her come to Jason's homecoming. I don't want her to get sick, it could be very harmful and painful for her. I know that when Jason gets home on Tuesday, he will probably go straight from the airport to see her at the hospital.

Lucky for Matt he hasn't gotten sick yet. Hopefully he will be able to stay healthy!


Courtney said...

thats the worst!! Trav got sick this weekend too and i am just Praying i won't get it because we are so busy with school, He got meds from the doctor so thats good but we didn;t get to go to scotts for dinner which i was sad about. Good luck with the primary program and jasons homecoming. that is so exciting

Us said...

Hey! I'm glad you found me :) I really enjoyed reading your blog, I feel like I know you so much better now. Sounds like you've been having a bit of a rough pregnancy. I hope everything goes smoothly. I'm due next I'm ready to be done. Not sure I'm ready for this whole parenting thing, but done w/ pregnancy for sure :)

I laughed when I read about how fast engagement and marriage came for you and Matt cause Morgan and I were a couple of weeks after our first 'meeting' and then married 3 weeks after that.