Friday, January 9, 2009

My Resolutions

So far this year I have a done a great job on my resolutions. I know it's been just over a week since the new year, but I am excited and really proud of myself. I have been really trying to have personal prayers both morning and night consistently and it's been great! It really makes a difference in how the day goes. I feel so much happier and I am so much more patient with my kids.

I also have started playing volleyball 3 times a week and I also have been running in place at home. I use cans of green beans as weights to add some resistance and hopefully help add some muscles :). I never lost the weight after having McKenzie, because I got pregnant again before she turned 1. It took me 2 years to get my weight down after I had Owen, hopefully it won't take that long this time. If anyone has anymore helpful tips on how to lose weight, please let me know. I'm really excited about setting goals for myself and working to achieve them. I haven't done this since I was in Young Womens!

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