Friday, January 23, 2009

Owen's Birthday

My little guy turned 3 yesterday! I can't believe how fast the time goes.

Owen had a great day. He helped me with the cupcakes by putting the paper cups in the pan, then we frosted them. Owen only got to frost about 2 or 3 cupcakes, because he was too busy eating the frosting.

Owen and McKenzie watching me mix the batter for the cupcakes. Owen didn't like the noise of the beaters.

McKenzie and Owen frosting the cupcakes.

Matt and I blew up some balloons and Owen got to pick where each balloon got to go. Then I went to (it's a website that my friend April suggested to go to. It helps kids learn to read.) McKenzie and Owen have a great time on there reading the words and playing the games. Then we took silly pictures on our web cam.

At Owen's Birthday party, he first opened presents. Angela got him a Spongebob Bat and ball. We got him new clothes and a plastic bowling set. Mike and Robin got him bubbles, a kite, Frisbee, ball and mitt. He got some money and a card from Grandpa and Grandma Hudson and Great Grandpa and Grandma Samuelson. He got really cute homemade cards from his Aunts Kristi, Jennifer, Wendy and Jaime. McKenzie also made him about 20 pictures of her, Zoey and Owen. Thank you everybody!

From left to right Richie, Mom, Grandpa and Grandma Samuelson, Brady and Robin

From left to right Wendy, Angela, Hunter, Kristi, Jarom, Jennifer, Owen and Matt.

From left to Right Dave, Lindsay, Mike and Zoey


Kahana said...

Your kids are so cute!! I love the pictures of you and the kids, adorable. Arent those bowling toys fun? My kids love those.

Camey said...

I sure am behind! I love the pictures you took with them! Oh and yes is a great website. We use at at school all the time!