Wednesday, July 30, 2008

McKenzie's New obsession

McKenzie loves to play on the wii and is now pretty good at most of the games that we have. Matt and I work really hard by aiming the ball before bowling, but McKenzie doesn't aim and usually gets the spare. She even gets the nasty splits that Matt and I have been trying so hard to figure out how to get. She is working at becoming a "pro." She also LOVES boxing, playing golf, Tennis, Mario Party 8 and making miis. We have lots of miis with pink shirts and pig tails.

Owen really looks up to McKenzie and Loves to watch her play on the wii. Every once in awhile she'll let Owen join her on the wii. We've let him play bowling and he gets really excited when the ball hits 1 pin. He also likes to be Yoshi on Mario Party 8.

Here is Owen getting ready to box McKenzie. Look at his guns!

Here is McKenzie and Owen Boxing on the wii. McKenzie won, but Owen really had a great time. He is easily distracted.

Chocolate and Playing on the wii. What could be better?

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