Saturday, October 11, 2008

6 Quirky things about me

Thank you Michelle for tagging me. This may or may not be as accurate as I would like, because right now I have hundreds of quirky things about me because I am pregnant. Anyways, here it goes...

1. I hate having a messy house, but I don't like to clean. I am way too tired and nobody ever comes over when the house is clean! The only time guest decide to come by is when I decide to take a day or 2 off. It especially bothers me when my room is a mess. Even though I could shut the door and no one would notice, I KNOW that it's a mess. I have been known to clean my room at 4:00 in the morning, because I couldn't sleep with the room being messy.

2. I do NOT like Walmart. I don't care that they have "good deals." My personal opinion is that the reason they have these "good deals" is because they skimp on something. What's really funny is that I almost ALWAYS go grocery shopping at Walmart, despite the fact that I hate it so much. We have bought bedding sets that were missing items that were listed on the bag as being included, we bought curtains that were 2 different sizes and another set of curtains were 2 different shades of blue. I hate standing in line to return items, so I usually just make due. Another thing about Walmart is a lot of the people that shop and work there. This may make me sound stuck up, but I feel very uncomfortable being around the grungy and unclean people. They are usually the ones that like to touch my kids and talk about how cute they are.

3. I will not touch any food that is not what I consider "normal." I do NOT like any kind of fish, Chinese, or any Asian kind of food for that matter. So basically I eat spaghetti, pizza, hamburgers, casserole, tacos, chili, etc. What makes this really quirky is that I grew up in the Seattle area where they have excellent seafood. (So I've been told.)

4. Matt and I share the cooking. Matt likes to experiment by adding things into an already good item, just to make it "better." He also does not use measuring cups or spoons so, sometimes I don't like the texture. I complain about it a lot, but I would prefer NOT to cook. I'm sure that I am very difficult to live with.

5. I will NOT let my kids leave someone's house unless they cleaned up EVERYTHING. I don't care if it was already a mess or if it will take forever. Matt gets mad when he wants to go, but the toys aren't cleaned. He come up with some excuse like, it was already there or there's other kids still playing with the toys. I'm very strict on this because I want my kids to be respectful and leave the house cleaner then when they arrived. I just think that it's courteous. What's funny is now Owen will not leave until every last thing is picked up. It's really cute.

6. I don't like when people drive 45 mph on Eagle Road. (The speed limit is 55 most of the way) I also don't like it when there's a car 2 cars up that starts to slows down, so the car in front of you slams on their brakes. There's plenty of room! You don't need to slam on the brakes!

So I hope this helps you get to know me a little better. It kind of sounds like I'm a complainer, but like I said, this is my quirky things right now being 8 months pregnant! Oh, um, I tag whoever wants to add this to their blog.


Kahana said...

I love all the quirky things!! haha :) Great post!

Unknown said...

The thing about cleaning the bedroom at four in the morning thing is true.
Unfortunately, so is the fish thing.