Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Are you Rude?

I watched Oprah today and it really got me thinking. I don't think that I am a rude person, but after watching this episode of Oprah, I realized that I have and do make some rude decisions. It was a real eye opener for me ad now I can work on the rude things that I do to be a better, nicer, person.

For those of you who missed the episode, a lot of the rude things that they talked about had to do with talking on the phone and treating servers with respect. I don't have a problem with any of these things, I am always polite, I always say, "thank you" I tip well and I NEVER talk on the phone when I am with other people or if I am in line.

The things that I need to work on is not being late and not gossiping. I am always late to everything, except for church. (Luckily we have church at 1.) I realized that being late makes others have to wait on me or it causes a disruption if there is a class or something like that where they start at a certain time. Gossiping is huge problem in general. I am always trying my best to avoid this because I do not like it when I am the topic of gossip. But it is still something that I need to improve on.

My personal belief is that most people are not rude people, but they make rude choices, most of the time without realizing it. I'm glad that I was able to see this, because I want to be a better person and by working on not being rude, I am improving myself.

1 comment:

Us said...

This has nothing to do w/ your post, but I wanted to wish you luck in the next few weeks. I hope your little one comes soon!! I'm excited for a few months when we can all get together with our newest editions.