Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wall Art

I think that most of us with kids have experienced the coloring on the walls at one time or another. For me, it's been a few different times. The first time, I was able to easily remove the crayon with a magic eraser. Well, the 2nd Time, I wasn't so lucky. So I lost my faith in the magic eraser. Eventually, we moved, and I never had to remove the crayon off the walls. This last time, 2 of my 3 kids, participated in the coloring and by the time they were caught, they did much damage.

I first had them wipe down the walls with baby wipes. That worked for the purple crayon, but not the magenta or the yellow. Soon, I gave up and months later the crayon markings were still on the wall. Wanting to get it removed, I searched online. There was comments saying to use oil, so I got out the pledge. The pledge did not work. I then tried the Pam cooking spray. Nope, that didn't work either. I decided to move on to other comments. I tried heating the crayon marking with a blow dryer and then wiping it with soapy water. OOPS! That smeared the crayon all over! I panicked! Then I read to try the blow dryer with a magic eraser. I quickly got out the remaining 2 erasers and with the blow dryer, the crayon started coming off! Hurray! Even the smeared crayon came off! It took about 20 minutes to get the entire room free of the crayon marks!


RORYJEAN said...

Oooh! Good to know- I need to get a magic eraser- I keep hearing good things about them.

Kahana said...

Dont you just love wall art! haha :) I have had quite the experience with that as well, and magic eraser has been my best friend. you can also try wd-40. that works too!

Camey said...

How did you get it to come off with the blow dryer? I have some crayon marks that aren't coming off. Blow dry it at the same time or before?

Unknown said...

Blow dry it at the same time. The heat melts the wax so it can be removed.