Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 4th

Yesterday, Matt and I went to vote. Matt had to be at work by 1 pm, so we had to get it done before then. As we were getting the kids ready to leave, they asked us where we were going. We told them that we had to go vote and Owen thought that we were saying, "boat." He loves boats, so he was getting excited. We had to keep explaining to him that we were voting and what voting was. It was really cute. I was glad that the lines weren't long and that it didn't take very long to vote, because I am not sure how long my kids would behave. We had them in the double stroller and I took Zoey in her car seat. McKenzie and Owen kept picking on each other the entire time.

Once we got home, we had lunch and then I had the kids clean up. They cleaned the toy room and helped me with the laundry. They were really good today and Matt and I were thinking that it was because they needed something to do.

All the cleaning we did must have made McKenzie tired. She fell asleep about 7:30 pm, so I put her in bed. Owen and I made some bread sticks and played for a little bit. Then when Matt got home we made peanut butter cookies. He was so cute dumping the ingredients into the bowl. When he had to dump the brown sugar, he couldn't get the sugar out of the measuring cup. He was banging it with his hands, he was just so cute.

One of Owen's favorite movies is the Incredibles. Well, his favorite line is towards the end of the movie when Frozone is looking for his super suit. Owen and Matt were quoting that scene over and over. It's so funny because out of the blue Owen will say, "Honey! Where's my super suit!" We had a really good time with him.

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