Since I don't usually post a lot of pictures on my blog, I thought that it would be fun to add random pictures with a little story or description about each one.
Most of you know that my sister Angela was in a rollover accident in September. I didn't post any pictures of her after the accident because of the severity of the accident, she did not look good. So anyway, this is a picture of Angela's car. It's a 1995 Pontiac Grand Am. She had to be cut out of the car, so now it's a convertible. Angela is doing really well now. She had a couple more surgeries. Her skull is back in her head and the pins and needles that were in her hand are gone. She is planning on going back to work soon and then going back to school.
Here is Angela now. As beautiful as ever. I love you Angela!
Here is my Handsome Husband. I love you Matt!
McKenzie LOVES to have her toenails painted. I have found many pictures on our camera, taken by McKenzie, of her toes.
This is a picture of McKenzie ringing in the new year 2005-2006. It was really late and she was super tired! Matt and I love this picture. It's just so funny!
This is me and McKenzie when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with Owen.
Here's Matt and I New Year's 2005-2006. We were hanging out at our friends Aaron and Nancy's House. We had a really good time. We miss you Aaron and Nancy!
I was so sick the day before Owen was born. We went to the hospital and found that I my white blood cells were either too low or too high, I don't remember. Because of that, the Dr decided to induce me, because usually the baby has breathing issues when this happens. Owen had to stay in the NICU for 8 days. When we finally got to take him home, he had to be on oxygen. We went to the DR every couple of days to check is saturation levels. Finally, a month after he was born, we were able to get rid of the oxygen!!
Here's Owen on his blessing day. He is a very handsome little guy! Everyone thought that he looked like a little old man.
Here's Matt and McKenzie. She loves her Daddy! I used to put her hair in pony tails, because she had a mullet when she was little. I didn't want to cut her hair, because she wouldn't have much if I did.
McKenzie on her first bike. We told her that as soon as she was potty trained, she could get a bike. So here she is testing it out. She fell down a few times, but overall, she loved riding it.
It was such a nice day out that we all were outside watching McKenzie on her new bike. Here's a picture of Matt.
McKenzie put her helmet on Owen one day. I thought that it was really cute. She is very good to her younger siblings.
This is our first family picture with Owen. We usually don't get a family picture right after we have a baby, because We want to wait until they can hold their head up on their own. We will probably get another one with Zoey in about 6 months.
Here is our most current picture.
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